Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seasons Change + Classes Start

So I haven't posted to the blog for a while... oh well. I've hung up the road bike for the (competitive) year and my training has taken a different tack. Soccer season has started and I'm coaching with quite a bit of my time, and playing with some remnants. I'll post some things about soccer, but not too much.

On the end of the cycling calendar is both happiness and disappointment. I won the last race I entered and held very good form, in fact I have been in the best shape of my life for cycling. However the disappointment comes in the fact that I will not be racing for a state championship in my catagory as soccer coaching responsibilities will keep me busy on race day. As a result I haven't been going on training rides or racing, but just commuting and playing soccer. Perhaps I'll get a few cross races in after soccer season?

New to the blog will be a series of articles for my UTS class this fall, ministry and evangelism in cultural context, or something like that. I'll be reviewing 4-5 books as well as posting some writing assignments from class (reaction pieces to articles, etc.) So the blog should ramp up with a new post every week or so. Currently I'm reading Jim and Casper Go to Church and should be done by the end of the day. Look for a review by the end of the weekend. If you are interested in this book, I purchased it for the class so I'd be happy to lend it to you starting next week...let me know!


1 comment:

  1. You go AWOL just as I get back into the swing of things...

    We should do a cross race or two in Chicago this fall.

